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1 Corinthians 10:23, 24
1 Corinthians 11:24,25
1 Corinthians 11:33, 34
1 Corinthians 12: 29-31
1 Corinthians 12:7
1 Corinthians 13:12
1 Corinthians 14:1
1 Corinthians 14:20
1 Corinthians 2: 9,10
1 Corinthians 2:16
1 Corinthians 4:9
1 Corinthians 6:11,12
1 Corinthians 7:6,7
1 Corinthians 8:10, 11
1 Thessalonians 1:6,7
1 Thessalonians 3:12
1 Thessalonians 4:12
1 Timothy 1:13
1 Timothy 4:14, 15 (AMP)
1 Timothy 6:6
1Corinthians 9:1
2 Corinthians 10:3,4
2 Corinthians 12:7
2 Corinthians 13:5,8
2 Corinthians 2:16
2 Corinthians 2:6-7
2 Corinthians 3:17
2 Corinthians 3:3,6 (MSG)
2 Corinthians 4:16
2 Corinthians 7:10,11
2 Thessalonians 1:11
2 Thessalonians 3:5
2 Timothy 1:
2 Timothy 2:15
2 Timothy 3:15
Acts 10:40, 41
Acts 13:51, 52
Acts 14:2, 3
Acts 15:38, 39
Acts 16:37-39
Acts 17: 8,9
Acts 17:16
Acts 18:14, 15
Acts 1:1
Acts 20:7, 8
Acts 22:1, 2
Acts 24:15, 16
Acts 25:16
Acts 27:34, 38
Acts 27:41
Acts 28:1, 2
Acts 3:16
Acts 4:11, 12
Acts 5: 38, 39
Acts 7:34
Acts 9:13, 14
Colossians 1:15,16
Colossians 2:3
Colossians 3:15
Colossians 4:16
Ephesians 1:17,18
Ephesians 2:15
Ephesians 5:15,16
Ephesians 6:16
Ex. 7:20,22,24 & 8:22,23
Exodus 12:22
Exodus 15:8,25 & 16:21
Exodus 20:24
Exodus 23:28-30
Exodus 2:16-18
Exodus 5:13
Exodus 7:20, 22, 24
Galations 1:4
Galations 3:13
Galations 4:6, 7
Galations 4:9
Galations 5:24, 25
Galations 6: 2, 3
Galations 6:4, 8
Genesis 4:26
Hebrews 10:32
Hebrews 11:1,3
Hebrews 12:13
Hebrews 2:3b
Hebrews 3:19
Hebrews 4:12
Hebrews 5:14
Hebrews 6:19,20
Hebrews 7:14, 17
Hebrews 8:10
John 18:1
John 19:41
Maark 16:17, 18
Mark 10:8, 9
Mark 11:8-10
Mark 11:8-20
Mark 12:14-17
Mark 13:14-16
Mark 14:3
Mark 15:15
Mark 16:17, 18
Mark 16:7
Mark 1:28, 33, 38
Mark 1:44
Mark 2: 2, 4
Mark 3:9, 10
Mark 4:11, 12, 34
Mark 4:24, 34
Mark 5:2, 3
Mark 5:37 & 40
Mark 6:1
Mark 7:24
Mark 8:33
Mark 9:24-27
Mark 9:50
Matthew 11:4-6
Matthew 12:33
Matthew 14:24,25
Matthew 15:6
Matthew 16:19
Matthew 16:24-26
Matthew 17:1,2
Matthew 17:6-8
Matthew 21:12
Matthew 21:19-21
Matthew 23:11,12
Matthew 23:38,39
Matthew 24:2
Matthew 24:32,33
Matthew 26:32
Matthew 26:7
Matthew 28:7, 20
Matthew 2:13-15
Matthew 3:8
Matthew 5:8
Matthew 7:20
Matthew 8:10 (MSG)
Matthew 8:22, 23
Matthew 8:8
Numbers 22:20-34
Numbers 25:11, 12
Philippians 1:11 (MSG)
Philippians 2:5
Philippians 3:10,11
Philippians 4:7
Phillipians 1:6
Psalm 104:9-11
Psalm 106:4,5
Psalm 10:7
Psalm 119:57, 58 (MSG)
Psalm 12:6, 7
Psalm 132:6,7
Psalm 135:10-12
Psalm 136:25
Psalm 15:1, 2
Psalm 20:7,8
Psalm 22:3
Psalm 24:6, 7
Psalm 2:12
Psalm 30:11,12
Psalm 34:7
Psalm 37:4-6
Psalm 38:12-15
Psalm 40:1-3
Psalm 42:6,7
Psalm 50:11
Psalm 55:6-8
Psalm 56:8
Psalm 59:16
Psalm 64:8,10
Psalm 69:5,6
Psalm 77:19
Psalm 78:1-3
Psalm 83:17,18
Psalm 91:1
Psalm 95:6-8
Psalms 149:1-4 (MSG)
Romans 10:4
Romans 11:29, 36
Romans 12: 1, 2
Romans 13:12
Romans 14:18
Romans 14:19, 20
Romans 15:2,3
Romans 16:19,20
Romans 1:19,20
Romans 2:2
Romans 2:29
Romans 3:3,4
Romans 6:7,8
Romans 7:24,25
Romans 8:19-23
Romans 8:5,6
Romans 9:31,32
Titus 1:15,16
Food for the Spirit
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Galations 4:6, 7
 I CHOOSE TO CALL HIM 'ABBA'; TIME TO PLAY & PRAY S. Galations 4:6,7 And because you [really] are [His] sons (kinship/heirs), God has sent the [Holy] Spirit of His Son into our hearts (soul, mind, thoughts, will, character, seat of intelligence, emotions, desires, passions, purposes, affections, sensibilities) crying (screaming), Abba (Father) (to be familiar with, to know)! Father! Therefore (AS A RESULT), you are no longer a slave (bond servant) but a son; and if a son, then [it follows that you are] an heir by the aid of God, through Christ. O. ABBA: It is a term expressing warm affection and filial (Pertaining to a son or daughter; becoming to or due from a child in relation to the parents). confidence. (Easton) "Abba" was a title not to be used by slaves to a master, nor Imma to a mistress, only by children. (see Isaiah 8:4) FATHER means: "The originator and transmitter of anything"; "the author of a family or society of persons animated by the same spirit as himself; one who has infused his own spirit into others, who acutuates and governs their minds." (Thayer) When the Bible puts 'ABBA' together with 'FATHER' it means: "THE RELATIONSHIP OF A CHILD TO HIS FATHER, THE ORIGINATOR AND TRANSMITTER OF ANYTHING, INCLUDING HIS SAME SPIRIT" A. Because of Jesus, and that I have asked Him to be the Lord of my life, I have the same Father God as is His Father God. I am a child of the same Father as Jesus. This means I have the same Spirit as God holds (Holy Spirit), and hold the same inheritance and promises that Jesus holds. Because God is my Father, I can have a 'child-like' relationship with Him; asking Him questions for knowledge and understanding; asking Him for provision; confiding in Him; even playing with Him. Relationship with God is up to me. I can choose a close child-like relationship with Him and call Him 'ABBA' or stay I can choose an impersonal relationship with Him and just call Him 'FATHER'! I CHOOSE TO CALL HIM 'ABBA'! P. Thank You, Jesus, for showing me the way to OUR ABBA! Lead me closer and closer to our ABBA, Jesus, because we, together, have His same heart, mind, and SPIRIT! Show me how to PLAY with our Abba, so as to become closer to Him in relationship; and then how to PRAY with Him, to have conversations with Him, in order that we would know each others thoughts and opinions!
Sunday, 4 November 2012
The Soil of Offense that Grows the Seeds of Shame and Confusion
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Mark 16:7
THE SOIL OF OFFENSE THAT GROWS THE SEEDS OF SHAME AND CONFUSION S.Mark 15:15 So Pilate ('armed with a dart or spear; offense), wishing to satisfy the crowd, set Barabbas (son/seed of shame and confusion) free for them; and after having Jesus (salvation/deleverance) whipped (punished in public), he handed [Him] over to be crucified (destroy its power utterly) O. Satan uses the 'Pilates' (Offenses) of today to release the 'seeds' of confusion and shame free in our lives. He does this in 'public' in order to humiliate us. Satan uses the 'Pilates' (Offenses) of today to publicly punish us, with the intention to utterly destroy and subdue our deliverance/salvation and freedom. A. Offense in my life should be null and void, because the Bible says it is a sin. Offense is taking on another burden to carry that shouldn't even exist in my life because I have been set free by Jesus. But when I DO take on offense, it releases the seeds of shame and confusion in my life...gives shame and confusion a place to grow. Offense is the soil in which the seeds of confusion and shame can grow. If I refuse to take on offenses, confusion and shame have NO PLACE TO SPROUT! P. I am free of shame and confusion because You have taken away the offenses that can grow those 'seeds' in my life. Jesus, blind me to offenses. Cover my ears so I will never even hear them. In Your name, Jesus. Mark 16:7But be going; tell the disciples and Peter, He goes before you into Galilee; you will see Him there, [just] as He told you.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
The Alabaster Jar
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Mark 14:3
 S. Mark 14:3 3And while He was in Bethany, [a guest] in the house of Simon the leper, as He was reclining [at table], a woman came with an alabaster jar of ointment (perfume) of pure nard, very costly and precious; and she broke the jar and poured [the perfume] over His head. O. "In the days Jesus was on earth, when a young woman reached the age of availability for marriage, her family would purchase an alabaster box for her and fill it with precious ointment. The size of the box and the value of the ointment would parallel her family's wealth. This alabaster box would be part of her dowry. When a young man came to ask for her in marriage, she would respond by taking the alabaster box and breaking it at his feet. This gesture of anointing his feet showed him honor." This story is moving towards the idea of illustrating Jesus as our Bridegroom. Will we take the most precious dowry and place it at His feet, follow Him with reckless abandon? I think you probably get the idea. She broke the SEAL and anointed him with oil, and that along with the cup of wine, was an agreement to enter under his authority as his wife. The box was a very integral part of their married life, and could not be broken. The alabaster box had a very sexual connotation in that culture. I have read that women anointed their husbands before or after intimate relations, and that prostitutes would anoint men at banquet gatherings to confirm their availability. Whatever the meaning, this gift was extremely valuable, not only in monetary terms, but in social and marital terms. It ties very closely with the Song of Songs, and I think the lesson is for me to ask myself if I have given all I have to give to Christ, and if not, am I willing to." (quoted from: heb_roots_chr@hebroots.org) A. I have promised myself to Jesus. As the question above says, "have I given all to Him, and if not, am I willing to"? Intimacy with Jesus is the key to a full spiritual life; a parallel to a blissful bride and groom in their intimacy. United as one, I am to be His 'bride', loving, honoring and obeying. P. Jesus, thank You for choosing ME as Your intimate partner, Your bride. Draw closer to me, my Lord, in intimacy and unity. The closer I am to You, the more alive I feel...both in body and spirit!
Friday, 2 November 2012
Jesus in My Temple; His Map into My Soul
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Mark 11:8-20
 S. Mark 11:8, 11 8. And many [of the people] spread their garments on the road, and others [scattered a layer of] leafy branches which they had cut from the fields. 11. And Jesus went into Jerusalem and entered the temple [enclosure]; and when He had looked around, surveying and observing everything, as it was already late, He went out to Bethany together with the Twelve [apostles]. O. Mark 11 is a picture of salvation and what Jesus does for us after we: vs.8-10... HOSANNA! 'welcome Him' into our 'temple/soul'. vs.11...Jesus comes into our 'temple/soul and surveys what is there. vs.12-14... He searches for 'fruit' outside of our temple/soul, because He is hungry for us to have 'fruit/proof' that He reigns in us. vs.15 & 16...When He finds no fruit/proof of true salvation, He goes back inside of us and 'drives out' the 'buyers and sellers'...those things that we have believed would make us 'good enough' (trading 'works' for 'false salvation') in order to 'work' for eternal life...those things we 'carry'/believe' that aren't truly what gets us closer to God. Jesus reveals to us what we have used as 'short-cuts'. (There IS no 'short-cut' to salvation. There is only faith in Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross for us!) vs.17 THEN Jesus teaches us, in our temple/soul, that we were created as a 'temple for prayer to God, a temple for worship to God', not a 'place for thieves' (i.e. satan and his co-horts that hide inside of us in order to plunder all God has intended for us). vs.18. Man's ideas ("the chief priests") then try to come into our minds trying to steal the freedom/truth that Jesus has brought to us...telling us that it is what WE DO (works) that saves us, not what JESUS has done. (works are the was to salvation vs. faith in Jesus) vs.19 Jesus then leads us into 'the city', the 'everyday life' where we walk between the 'flesh and the spirit'. vs.20 Out in the 'city' (everyday life), Jesus reveals to us that there is no 'fruit' (withered fig tree) outside of faith in Him. We have to live in and through faith in Jesus, while forgiving ourselves and others, in order to see proof/fruit in our lives of what God has done for us through His Son, Jesus. A. I can see that Mark 11 is a parallel to my salvation. I can see that once I surendered to Jesus, and was saved by Him, that everything in this chapter has happened to me. He has 'cleansed' my temple/soul of false things and then shown me my everyday life and living in order that I might see if there was 'fruit/proof' that He was THE King in my life. He then has shown me the things that I have 'traded' for truth...the 'works or things' that I have THOUGHT were getting me to salvation, while buying salvation through 'works'; the things I have tried to use as 'short cuts' to salvation. Jesus drives those ideas OUT! He then taught me WHY I am here on this earth. I was created as God's living temple for prayer to Him and worship of Him. He taught me how satan has used me as a 'hidding place' in order to steal what God had intended for my life....AND that satan has no right to be there because I am a child of God. Jesus has taught me that man's ideas are not God's ideas. Man inserts the idea into God's law that it takes 'works' to get eternal life. Whereas, God's idea of salvation is in faith in Him alone...through the 'WORKS OF JESUS'...alone! Then Jesus shows me, while I follow His leading, how to walk like Him in this world...walking between the flesh and the spirit and living out this life in my everyday living. Walking by FAITH and not by SIGHT...it's the only way to stay right behind Jesus while walking through this life in order to BE PROOF that He is living in me; King of my life. P. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for revealing this scripture personally for me. I DO see what You are trying to show me. I DO see what my life needs to be, through this scripture. I DO see Jesus and all He is leading me to be and do in this life. Thank You, my Jesus! You amaze me...ALWAYS! Jesus only enters us, His temple, when we ask. He doesn't force His way in, but comes gently, meekly, and humbly. (the symble of riding a 'donkey') (the LAMB)
Once He is inside of us, He uses His authority on the evil things/satan and his co-horts, to drive out all that isn't good, pure and true in us. (the LION)
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Mark 9:24-27
 S. Mark 9:24-27 And after giving a [hoarse, clamoring, fear-stricken] shriek of anguish and convulsing him terribly, it (the evil spirit) came out; and the boy lay [pale and motionless] like a corpse, so that many of them said, He is dead. But Jesus took [a strong grip of] his hand and began lifting him up, and he stood. O. When Satan knows he's about to loose, he holds on with both fists...TIGHTLY! Satan fights the hardest to keep what he claims for himself (US and God's answers for us) just before he KNOWS that he has to give it up. Satan can not win against Jesus, the Son of God. This is the time we should know that God is about to release to us His blessings, healing and wholeness; answers to our prayers...the very things that Satan doesn't want us having....FREEDOM! A. This scripture made me angry that satan should try to keep Jesus, the Son of the Most High God, from freeing this young man! WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS!? BUT, THROUGH this scripture, I can understand how satan works...and gives away his 'plans'. When satan holds on with both fists to an answer to prayer, THIS IS THE CLUE TO KNOWING WE WIN! HERE is the time we STAND, TAKE AUTHORITY, and TAKE OUR BLESSING and THE ANSWER TO OUR PRAYERS...by the authority we have through JESUS! P. Open my eyes quickly, Father, to see the 'fists of satan' and what he has his hands on. Thank You for Your Son's authority, given to me by Him, to bust the plans of satan wide open! Show me how to use that gift swiftly, with open eyes and with Your Sons full authority! I want to PUNCH SATAN'S LIGHTS OUT...in the name of Jesus!
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
The 'Spiritual-Frontier"
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Mark 7:24
A 'SPIRITUAL FRONTIER' S. Mark 7: 24 And Jesus arose and went away from there (away from the the crowd) to the region (frontier...an undeveloped area, a field of discovery or research) of Tyre (strength) and Sidon (hunting...searching). And He went into a house (abode; residence...the act of residing in a place) and did not want anyone to know [that He was there]; but it was not possible for Him to be hidden [from public notice]. O. Jesus is my example. In this scripture Jesus 'stands away from the 'crowd', in searching for the things of God and not of man or their influences. Jesus then 'resides' in this state of mind, in the state of 'frontiering'/searching. BUT IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE FOR HIM TO HIDE FROM THE PUBLIC THAT HE WAS ON A "NEW SPIRITUAL FRONTIER"; THAT HIS HUNGER FOR MORE OF HIS FATHER BROUGHT HIM MORE STRENGTH AND CLOSENESS/UNDERSTANDING OF GOD. A. I SO desire to be like Jesus. I desire that He would fill me so full of Himself that I can not contain Him; that He would spill out of me because He fills me to overflowing. To hunger for more of Him, to search for His strengths and hold these things 'just between the two of us', is where I am to stand. IT IS MY OWN 'SPIRITUAL FRONTIER'. Searching for 'undeveloped places' inside of me and finding 'undeveloped strenghths' to be strengthened by Him, is the 'frontier' I long for! P. To be standing on the 'spritual frontier', Father, is what I desire! Fill me with more of Your Son. I hunger for the undiscovered spiritual things that I've never known; a place others would know were in me because of YOU.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Free From the Memories of My Past
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Mark 5:2, 3
 S. Mark 5:2,3 2And as soon as He got out of the boat, there met Him out of the tombs a man [under the power] of an unclean spirit. 3This man continually lived among the tombs, and no one could subdue him any more, even with a chain; O. This man was dwelling among his 'monuments', his memories of the past. The past had him bound and no one was able to save him from those memories of the past. BUT JESUS cast out those many memories, freed the man of his past and memories of who he had been. A. When satan tries to bind my mind in the memories of the past...who I used to be as a sinner...Jesus frees me. I need to always keep the future of freedom with Jesus in the forefront of my mind, knowing that I now LIVE IN FREEDOM FROM MY PAST! P. Because of YOU, Jesus, I am free from the memories of my past. Thank You for Your amazing freedom! Thank You for dying for me and taking my past sins with You on the cross!
Monday, 29 October 2012
Invest My Time in Jesus
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Mark 4:24, 34
 INVESTING MY TIME IN JESUS S. Mark 4:24, 34 And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you--and more [besides] will be given to you who hear. 34 He did not tell them anything without a parable; but privately to His disciples (those who were peculiarly His own) He explained everything [fully]. O. However much of our 'precious private' time that we spend meditating, studying and thinking on something, is the measure of understanding that will come back to us. (wheather it's the Word of God or a TV shows, 'things', iphone, etc.) Jesus gave the example of planting a mustard seed. If we plant a tiny mustard seed of God's Word in our minds, spending our 'precious private' time there, it will grow, spread and become huge with understanding. The knowledge and understanding of Jesus' and all that He really is' can then spread to our actions and words...and we will KNOW Him inside and out! A. When I want to get to know another person I automatically want to listen intently to what he/she says, watching what they do and how they do it. I want to know that person through they're words and actions while searching to know they're thoughts and feelings, too. This is how I can come to know Jesus deeper. The more time I spend with Him, studying Him in the Bible, the more I get to know Him. If I take the time spent on the OTHER things I 'want to know about' (i.e. tv shows, rock stars, dancing stars, iphones) and invest THAT time in getting to know HIM, He can reveal more of Himself to me. The amount of time and 'heart' I give to Him, is the amount of understanding and 'heart-change' I will receive from Him. P. My desire, Father, is to come to a new and deeper understanding of Your Son. I desire to have a renewed relationship...more intimacy...with Your Son! Open my heart wide to that, Father! Fill me so full of Jesus that He flows out of me AUTOMATICALLY as my FIRST NATURE! Invest my time in Jesus!
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Mark 1:44
 SPEAKING ONLY WHEN MY LIFE IS PROOF OF MY WORDS S. Mark 1:44 (Jesus said to the healed leaper:) "See that you tell nothing [of this] to anyone; but begone, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your purification what Moses commanded, as a proof (an evidence and witness) to the people [ that you are really healed]." O. This is a parallel to a saved person, (leaper=disease of the skin/flesh...a sinner). Jesus tells this leaper/sinner that he is not to tell anyone he has been healed/saved until there is proof. The now-healed leaper/sinner must show proof of his healing/salvation by obeying the law of Moses concerning being shown proved/clean/saved. The Law of Moses says that the leaper must 'show himself cleansed' by proof. This proof, according to Moses' law, involved blood, oil and water...sacrifice, cleansing and anointing (Leviticus 14:2-32). *The oil/anointing was applied to the ear, thumb, toe and head of the new Believer by the 'priest/Mature Believer/US. This is a parallel of being able to hear and understand what the Spirit says; where He leads us in our works; where He leads us in our 'walk of life'; where He leads us in our thoughts and minds (HIS thoughts) *The same was done with the blood, giving us a cover of protection by the blood of Jesus over our hearing, works, and walk of life. The blood was not poured over the head, freeing our thoughts up to choose, on our own, the ways of God. ALL of these things, Jesus said, had to be done BEFORE he was shown to the public as CLEANSED/HEALED/SAVED! The point: Jesus commands the 'sinner' NOT to speak about his salvation UNTIL he lives it out...until he shows 'Jesus' through life and action, not with words...lead by HIM and His Spirit. This guarantees that the new convert is lead and protected by Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus...THE TRUTH SHOWS THROUGH A PURE WALK OF LIFE, NOT WORDS ALONE! A. My life has to be proof that Jesus is my Savior. Only THEN can my words back that up. P. If my words are not from a 'heart-and-life-known' experience', CUT THEM OFF, Father! I want to live REAL,...full of PROOF that You are my LIFE! Shut my mouth UNTIL I can be YOUR proof! ----------------------------------------------------------
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Shipwrecked/Ramming the Prow
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Acts 27:41
 S.Acts 27:41 But striking a crosscurrent (a place open to two seas) they ran the ship aground. The prow stuck fast and remained immovable, and the stern began to break up under the violent force of the waves. O. Daylight came during a huge storm, allowing Paul and the other men see land. They had hit a 'crosscurrent', a storm; a stream moving across a main current. The men 'took counsel', and decided to run the front of the ship into the land, so that the 'prow stuck fast and remained immovable'. This meant that the rest of the ship that could be 'broken' was allowed to "break up under the violent force of the waves". A. I get a picture of ramming my head (the 'prow of my ship') into the Word of God/solid ground or TRUTH, and it gets 'stuck' there, while the troubles of life (crosscurrents) work away at destroying what God can not use in my life. Every once in awhile, I NEED a shipwreck! With my head stuck in the Word of God's Truth, my faith is strengthened and all that isn't needed by God can be bashed to bits! There are 'crosscurrents' in life (conflicting opinions, where God's opinion crosses over man's opinion). The 'crosscurrent' goes against the rest of the world, conflicting with the majority. This is the Way of the Kingdom and, like Paul and his shipmates, I am to run my 'mind' (the front of my 'ship') into 'solid ground/TRUTH' where my mind is 'stuck fast and remains immovable'. It's CHOOSING Truth and STAYING there while the 'crosscurrents' bash away. P. Thank You for the shipwrecks, Father! Keep me strong and STUCK in Your Truth!
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