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Topic: Mark 8:33
Mark 8:33 (AMP) But turning around (His back to Peter), and seeing His disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying, "Get behind Me satan! For you do not have a mind intent on promoting ("SAVOUREST" in King James Version) what God wills, but what pleases men (you are not on God's side, but that of men").
Savor=(dict.)to perceive by tasste or smell, especially with relish; the power to excite or interest.
Jesus was telling Peter that he did not use his personal power to excite or raise up interest in himself about God's will. Peter didn't relish the will of God-he relished and was interested in man's will.
I need to excite, become interested and savor, GOD'S will over man's will or even my own will. I need to continually pray for wisdom and knowledge in God's will-knowing that His will is the BEST for me and over any other KNOW THAT, RELISH that and be EXCITED about that in the way that it excites others. Even in times of trials and aching too much on the inside, I need to still SAVOR God's will for me. God's will WILL happen. Man can never stop God's will. It's for His glory alone!
Father, In Your will, make me strong. In my will, make me weak. Keep my eyes and heart only focused on what YOU want, Lord.
Updated: Saturday, 3 March 2012 5:38 AM PST
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