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Topic: Matthew 26:32
Matthew 26:32
"But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee".(circle, circuit, revolution)
Jesus tells us that after His Spirit had been awakened, and his Spirit made alive without His earthly body, that He would precede us and lead us forward into 'Galilee'; the eternal place of a complete 360 degree turning back to what was our original state before the fall of man.
Galilee=circuit, revolving, circle.
CIRCUIT:. A path or route the complete traversal of which without local change of direction requires returning to the starting point.
REVOLUTION: the act of revolving or turning completely around, so as to bring every point of the turning body back to its first position; a complete rotation through 360 degrees.
A turning or rotational motion about an axis. (The AXIS= Jesus)
CIRCLE: Symbol of never ending, eternal.
Following Jesus and His Spirit leads me back to the start...the original position of which man was created to have a relatonship with God. I follow Jesus to 'Galilee', the eternal place that circles around His life and His freedom and leads me right to the place and time of the original creation of man...right back to walking with God in the Garden of Eden. I am to revolve around HIM! Wherever I journey to in this life, I am ALWAYS to return to HIM...for He is the STARTING LINE and the FINISH LINE of life itself...the ALPHA AND THE OMEGA...the BEGINNING AND THE ENDING to Life itself!
Father, I thank You again for Your Son! Thank You that He is the CIRCLE OF LIFE! I want to always be in Your circle, Father! From start to finish...for be in an intimate relationship with YOU!