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Topic: Mark 1:44
S. Mark 1:44 (Jesus said to the healed leaper:)
"See that you tell nothing [of this] to anyone; but begone, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your purification what Moses commanded, as a proof (an evidence and witness) to the people [ that you are really healed]."
O. This is a parallel to a saved person, (leaper=disease of the skin/flesh...a sinner). Jesus tells this leaper/sinner that he is not to tell anyone he has been healed/saved until there is proof. The now-healed leaper/sinner must show proof of his healing/salvation by obeying the law of Moses concerning being shown proved/clean/saved.
The Law of Moses says that the leaper must 'show himself cleansed' by proof. This proof, according to Moses' law, involved blood, oil and water...sacrifice, cleansing and anointing (Leviticus 14:2-32).
*The oil/anointing was applied to the ear, thumb, toe and head of the new Believer by the 'priest/Mature Believer/US. This is a parallel of being able to hear and understand what the Spirit says; where He leads us in our works; where He leads us in our 'walk of life'; where He leads us in our thoughts and minds (HIS thoughts)
*The same was done with the blood, giving us a cover of protection by the blood of Jesus over our hearing, works, and walk of life. The blood was not poured over the head, freeing our thoughts up to choose, on our own, the ways of God.
ALL of these things, Jesus said, had to be done BEFORE he was shown to the public as CLEANSED/HEALED/SAVED!
The point:
Jesus commands the 'sinner' NOT to speak about his salvation UNTIL he lives it out...until he shows 'Jesus' through life and action, not with words...lead by HIM and His Spirit. This guarantees that the new convert is lead and protected by Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus...THE TRUTH SHOWS THROUGH A PURE WALK OF LIFE, NOT WORDS ALONE!
A. My life has to be proof that Jesus is my Savior. Only THEN can my words back that up.
P. If my words are not from a 'heart-and-life-known' experience', CUT THEM OFF, Father! I want to live REAL,...full of PROOF that You are my LIFE! Shut my mouth UNTIL I can be YOUR proof!
Updated: Sunday, 28 October 2012 8:05 AM PDT
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