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Topic: Psalm 77:19
Psalm 77:19 (NKJ) Your way was in the sea, Your path in the great waters, And Your footsteps were not known.
God's mode of action is through human lives. ('sea'='restless masses of humanity' or 'human life with its instability of spirit, action and conduct) His passageway is in His abundant of 'danger'...the trials that humans go through; the 'changes' in life. God's 'footsteps' are the 'way we should go'. God's ways are not known to men but we are to follow Him in faith. We see what God does, but we aren't told why He does what He does. We are just to trust in Him.
There are many things that I have had to endure in my life that I haven't understood. But as I come out the other side, I can look back and see what I had learned. This is following the 'footsteps' that God has left for me to follow. I haven't known the 'why' until I got to the end of that season in my life, and sometimes didn't even understand the 'why' even when the trials were over. But I have to walk the same path that God has shown me. If I don't, I will never learn what He is teaching me; how to be wiser in this life and grow in spirit to completeness.
Father, I thank You for the personal pathway You have lead me on. I thank You for the continued pathway ahead of me. Help me to always trust in YOUR reasons, for You know what is best for me. Complete my spirit, Father, into what You created me to be in the first place! Help me to grow in YOU, Holy Spirit!