Mood: amorous
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Topic: Philippians 1:11 (MSG)
" Paying Forward 'Jesus-Love'"
S. Philippians 1:11 Live a lover's life, circumspect (examine carefully; scrutinize.) and exemplary (worthy of imitation.), a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God.
O. Our love for Jesus and our love for others should be carefully examined and worthy of being imitated, so that Jesus would be seen in us. This kind of scrutinized and copied love, makes us attractive to others bringing a curiousity to them into 'what we have'.
The fruit that comes from our changed soul rises up. A chain reaction comes from this fruit of 'Jesus-attractiveness' in us that includes a desire to know our God and praise/worship Him.
A. The fruit of someone in love with Jesus would be to have a life that oozes compassion, servitude, and thoughts of others always being first. All these in the complete sincerity TRUTH through LOVE!
I WANT that! And the only way I can truly HAVE that, is to know Jesus, intimately...each day and second of my life. A TRUE and SINCERE love for the OTHER FIRST!
P. Jesus, I thank You for the compassion and servitude You have given to me. You show me pure love. Now I pray that You would help me to BE that to others, too. Help me to pay Your love forward. Help me to be YOU, in truth and sincerity!