Mood: incredulous
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Matthew 21:12
Matthew 21:12 Then Jesus went (#G1525 "of thoughts that come into the mind ") into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers (outside influences) and the seats (immovable) of those who sold doves. (spirit)
Jesus enters into the thoughts that come into our minds (the place of thinking that is set apart only for Him...a 'set apart' and sacred place; His Temple) and He banishes and expels, by force, the thoughts that we have 'bought into' and 'bartered' for, exchanging the Truth for what is false. Here, He 'changes our mind' and changes the way we had desired to walk through this life. Here He uproots the influence of the 'moneychangers' that tried to sell us what 'felt good' in our comprehension of life. Here He reveals the Truth so we can see and understand it clearly. The 'moneychangers', the outside/fleshly influences in our lives, had tried to sell us another 'spirit/soul' than Holy Spirit had for us. But Jesus reveals to our mind about the Truth of Spirit. We come into true understanding about walking through this life with what is real. Jesus has changed our thinking to HIS thinking...HIGHER THINKING! And TRUE THOUGHTS! We now understand about His Spirit (Dove) and how Holy Spirit effects our life. We SEE clearly in our mind.
Many times I've 'bought into' the thoughts of outside influences, trading lies for Truth. But Jesus uproots those false thoughts for me when I think on Higher Things! When I dedicate my thinking as a 'consecrated and set apart place' (Temple) ONLY to HIS teachings and HIS way of thinking, then those lies are dispelled and shown to me clearly for what they are; LIES! Jesus then gives me clear understanding of what is true, trustworthy and reliable; the Truth of His Spirit! The mind is the soul. And my mind needs to CLEAVE to HIS! This gives my mind 'eyesalve' ('Money changers' #G2854) that of which the 'money changers' (outside influences) have tried to sell me the FALSE version. But Jesus has the TRUE version of 'mind-eyeslave' and clears up my understanding and what I can truly cling to in my mind as Truth!
Jesus, I'd like to buy YOUR 'mind-salve'. I'll trade my thoughts for YOURS! I'll trade the lies I've believed in for Your truth! Thank You for Your Truth, Lord! Smother my mind with Your Truth....Your 'mind-salve'! And Thank You for healing my mind, Lord. You thought of everything! (little pun there, Lord...)