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Topic: Mark 11:8-20
S. Mark 11:8, 11 8. And many [of the people] spread their garments on the road, and others [scattered a layer of] leafy branches which they had cut from the fields.
11. And Jesus went into Jerusalem and entered the temple [enclosure]; and when He had looked around, surveying and observing everything, as it was already late, He went out to Bethany together with the Twelve [apostles].
O. Mark 11 is a picture of salvation and what Jesus does for us after we:
vs.8-10... HOSANNA! 'welcome Him' into our 'temple/soul'.
vs.11...Jesus comes into our 'temple/soul and surveys what is there.
vs.12-14... He searches for 'fruit' outside of our temple/soul, because He is hungry for us to have 'fruit/proof' that He reigns in us.
vs.15 & 16...When He finds no fruit/proof of true salvation, He goes back inside of us and 'drives out' the 'buyers and sellers'...those things that we have believed would make us 'good enough' (trading 'works' for 'false salvation') in order to 'work' for eternal life...those things we 'carry'/believe' that aren't truly what gets us closer to God. Jesus reveals to us what we have used as 'short-cuts'. (There IS no 'short-cut' to salvation. There is only faith in Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross for us!)
vs.17 THEN Jesus teaches us, in our temple/soul, that we were created as a 'temple for prayer to God, a temple for worship to God', not a 'place for thieves' (i.e. satan and his co-horts that hide inside of us in order to plunder all God has intended for us).
vs.18. Man's ideas ("the chief priests") then try to come into our minds trying to steal the freedom/truth that Jesus has brought to us...telling us that it is what WE DO (works) that saves us, not what JESUS has done. (works are the was to salvation vs. faith in Jesus)
vs.19 Jesus then leads us into 'the city', the 'everyday life' where we walk between the 'flesh and the spirit'.
vs.20 Out in the 'city' (everyday life), Jesus reveals to us that there is no 'fruit' (withered fig tree) outside of faith in Him. We have to live in and through faith in Jesus, while forgiving ourselves and others, in order to see proof/fruit in our lives of what God has done for us through His Son, Jesus.
A. I can see that Mark 11 is a parallel to my salvation. I can see that once I surendered to Jesus, and was saved by Him, that everything in this chapter has happened to me.
He has 'cleansed' my temple/soul of false things and then shown me my everyday life and living in order that I might see if there was 'fruit/proof' that He was THE King in my life.
He then has shown me the things that I have 'traded' for truth...the 'works or things' that I have THOUGHT were getting me to salvation, while buying salvation through 'works'; the things I have tried to use as 'short cuts' to salvation. Jesus drives those ideas OUT!
He then taught me WHY I am here on this earth. I was created as God's living temple for prayer to Him and worship of Him.
He taught me how satan has used me as a 'hidding place' in order to steal what God had intended for my life....AND that satan has no right to be there because I am a child of God.
Jesus has taught me that man's ideas are not God's ideas. Man inserts the idea into God's law that it takes 'works' to get eternal life. Whereas, God's idea of salvation is in faith in Him alone...through the 'WORKS OF JESUS'...alone!
Then Jesus shows me, while I follow His leading, how to walk like Him in this world...walking between the flesh and the spirit and living out this life in my everyday living. Walking by FAITH and not by's the only way to stay right behind Jesus while walking through this life in order to BE PROOF that He is living in me; King of my life.
P. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for revealing this scripture personally for me. I DO see what You are trying to show me. I DO see what my life needs to be, through this scripture. I DO see Jesus and all He is leading me to be and do in this life. Thank You, my Jesus! You amaze me...ALWAYS!
Jesus only enters us, His temple, when we ask. He doesn't force His way in, but comes gently, meekly, and humbly. (the symble of riding a 'donkey') (the LAMB)
Once He is inside of us, He uses His authority on the evil things/satan and his co-horts, to drive out all that isn't good, pure and true in us. (the LION)
Updated: Friday, 2 November 2012 8:50 AM PDT
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