
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Romans 2:2
S.Romans 2::2 (msg)...Every time you criticize someone, you condemn yourself. It takes one to know one. Judgmental criticism of others is a well-known way of escaping detection in your own crimes and misdemeanors. But God isn't so easily diverted. He sees right through all such smoke screens and holds you to what you've done. 4You didn't think, did you, that just by pointing your finger at others you would distract God from seeing all your misdoings and from coming down on you hard?
11 God pays no attention to what others say (or what you think) about you. He makes up his own mind.
O. First of all, our oppinion of ourselves or how others see us isn't what's how GOD sees us that matters. So if we judge others, we are actually giving away what we are see in ourselves...THAT is what needs to change. We see it so clearly in others because it's also in us. What we see to judge in others is what needs to change in us. This gives us the idea that those people also see that same thing in us...because we have it, too. This makes us think that they are judging us...and if they aren't free from the spirit of judgement, they are! Once God has healed us of this judgmental spirit, and we only care about what GOD thinks, we will be free from the concerns of what man thinks.
A. This is SO me! Why do I even care what other people think of me? It's because I JUDGE them...and what I see in them to judge, is what needs to be healed in myself. It makes me know that what they have, I have...and that they judge me too,...thus, passing judgement on me and bringing fear into my life. What do do? Let Jesus fix those judgements as He gives me vision of them in others...fixed IN ME! What I see in others is MY problem..and that's why I SEE them! It's a judgement circle used to open my vison to what needs to be healed in me. Fixed problem: no fear of man, no judgement in others.
P. Father, thank You for revealing this reason I have 'fear of man'. I give it to you! Help me NOT to judge others that I would be judged by THEM! Thank You for Your freedom from fear and judgement! Please continue to heal me till I am totally FREE!