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Topic: Matthew 11:4-6
S. Matthew 11:4-6
A. Always questioning WHY the physical healing miracles weren't happening here in this country right now, I can now understand what Jesus was doing and saying in this scripture. What we humans THINK is not always what God is really doing. The MOST important healing is done on the INSIDE of man, the most important part of man; his spirit and soul. The OUTSIDE may follow later, but the inside of us is the ETERNAL part. Jesus DOES heal our everyday spiritual walk (the lame walk); He DOES heal our sinful ways and the way we are 'seen' on the outside (the leaper); He DOES heal our spiritual ears so that we can hear God's Words with spiritual understanding (the deaf); and our spirits are now alive with renewed and purposeful life (the dead are raised). Yes...we now know, through Jesus, that GOD IS ON OUR SIDE!
We are the HEALED...and THIS DAY! Only it isn't always on the's on the INSIDE, the part that lasts for our SOULS AND SPIRITS!
P. Father, even if You have chosen not to heal our fleshly bodies today, You have chosen to heal our souls and spirits EVERYDAY! Thank You, for You know what is the MOST important! Open my eyes to see the miracles of Your healing hand on the souls and spirits of Your people of THIS day! These are Your GREATEST miracles!
Updated: Thursday, 22 November 2012 6:24 AM PST
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