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Topic: Matthew 5:8
S. Matthew 5:8 (msg)
"You're blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world."
O. When our heart is changed toward God by salvation, we begin to understand the rights and wrongs of the outside world. We then become more sensitive to what God does in the world of man; past, present and future.
A. The word see in this scripture is "to see with the mind, to perceive, know; to see, i.e. become acquainted with by experience, to experience.
In my personal life, this meant that I would come to know God personally on the inside of me. I would actually EXPERIENCE Him! And when I did experience Him, my life could never ever be the same. He changed my inside vision of the world with glimpses of the way He sees it. When a person sees in this way, they are changed forever. To know God is to co-subside with be like walk with Him. As partners, it is my job to do life GOD'S way...the purpose He created me in the first place.
P. Father, I ask for spiritual eyes to see life in the way You intended it. Help me to see it through Your eyes. Help me to be an example, by shadowing Jesus, so that I can help others to see this life too...the way You created it to truly be.