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Topic: Matthew 2:13-15
S. Matthew 2:13-15
13.) Now after they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph (increase) in a dream and said, Get up! [Tenderly] take unto you the young Child and His mother and flee to Egypt (troubles/oppression/anguish); and remain there till I tell you [otherwise], for Herod (outward appearnace) intends to search for the Child in order to destroy Him.
14.) And having risen, he took the Child and His mother by night and withdrew to Egypt (troubles/oppresion/anguish) 15And remained there until Herod’s (outward appearance) death. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, Out of Egypt (troubles/oppression/anguish) have I called My Son.
O. Jesus is our life's example. What He did, we are to do, too.
In these scriptures Joseph/Increase obeyed God (No obedience to God, no growth/fruit)
... Joseph wanted Jesus safe and to grow up healthy and wise. As a good father, Joseph led His Son to a place in which to grow. obeying God's direction.
That place was 'life'...EGYPT, a place of troubles.
Life is where we learn wisdom. Here is where 'increase/Joseph' led our 'Salvation/Jesus' in order to learn wisdom through 'troubles/Egypt' until... His 'outward appearance/flesh/'Herod' woud DIE!
A. God wants me to have attain wisdom, learned through my living, in life's troubles, is where my outward/fleshly appearance dies. Just like Jesus as He grew up in Egypt. Growth and fruit are produced in my "Egypts".
The soil of my life has to be WORKED UP in order for full growth! THEN, with the wisdom learned, FRUIT CAN GROW.
P. Thanks You for showing me that even Jesus had to go through 'Egypt', led by His Father, in order to become wise, drop the fleshly outward appearance, and then produce fruit and growth. I WANT THAT, LORD! Teach me wisdom as I go through my life. I want to grow in health and fruit!