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Topic: 1 Corinthians 14:1
S. 1 Corinthians 14:1 (MSG) Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it—because it does. Give yourselves to the gifts God gives you.
O. The most important thing is life is love; love of God, love of other people. Love is the only thing that lasts forever. We will be remembered for how we have loved. Love is what God judges us on as we continue our eternal life's journey.
And when God gives us His gifts of the Spirit, we are to totally put our whole selves into them; giving them all we've got...studying them, practicing them, learning from mentors about the. In this way our God-given gifts are put to HIS use for man's good.
A. All that can matter in my life is how I love God and others. Everything good stems out of love. Everything that is real and truth comes out of love. When I know God's compassion in my heart, allowing His love to reign through me, I feel that love that lasts. In that place of God's compassion, I am real and full of God's Truth. I can't love in a real way without knowing God's love for me and others. When I love HIM, He spreads His love over me, inside and out. It's a love I can not contain or keep for myself. It overflows onto others. This is the place I need to constantly live...KNOWING God's love, personally!
P. Teach me more about Your love, Father. Open my eyes, ears and heart to Your kind of love. Fill me up with Your special kind of the top and overflowing. I NEED Your love, compassion and passion, Jesus!