
Now Playing: Umma23
S. Matthew 24:2 (NKJ) And Jesus said to them, Do you not see all these things? (the Temple buildings) Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
Do you not have the power inside of yourself to understand or comprehend that the place that God 's presence dwells is in you? I'm telling you now in spoken words...not even the position you have, the position in which I have surrounded You, won't be permitted to stay in that same position. Your character will be disolved and brought to nothing; overthrown and humbled.
Anyone who takes the position in Jesus, has a character change. When we position ourselves in a 'salvation-position', we can not stay the same. Jesus takes over, changing us to HIS character. We are positioned BETWEEN the 'Stone'. We are like the 'space' that is between the stones that were used to build the Temple...crushed and presured to stay in place in order to build the WHOLE church. We cannot stay the same but need to be transformed/crushed into the same character as Jesus.
My husband studies all Jewish teachings. In his studies he was telling me that the Temple was distroyed by the Romans after Jesus had said, "Not one stone will be left standing in the Temple". The Romans burned the Temple, causing all the gold that lined the walls and etc. to melt and ooze between the stones. In order to get to the gold, the Romans had to 'tear down the walls' and 'leave nothing standing'.
This is exactly how WE are built into God's Temple. We have to be 'burned' in order to get all impurities in purging gold. The 'gold' is then extracted out of our flesh...the crushing done by our day to day lives in order that we could become pure for God. Each of us has to be 'crushed' in order for the 'gold' to be extracted. And what is the coolest thing about all of this is that God cares enough about us to GET THAT GOLD OUT...each one of us hold GOLD!
In our characters, we hold gold. That gold is what keeps us in intimacy with God. Jesus puts that gold inside of us, to be extracted as we go through our lives. It hurts, yes, but it brings us closer to God; the way He created us to be in the first GOLD FOR GOD!
Father, I pray that Your Son would change my character into His gold for YOU! I want Your presence inside of me, day by day. I want to be the golden Temple that holds You, Father...and reveals to the world all of Your beauty!