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1 Corinthians 10:23, 24
1 Corinthians 11:24,25
1 Corinthians 11:33, 34
1 Corinthians 12: 29-31
1 Corinthians 12:7
1 Corinthians 13:12
1 Corinthians 14:1
1 Corinthians 14:20
1 Corinthians 2: 9,10
1 Corinthians 2:16
1 Corinthians 4:9
1 Corinthians 6:11,12
1 Corinthians 7:6,7
1 Corinthians 8:10, 11
1 Thessalonians 1:6,7
1 Thessalonians 3:12
1 Thessalonians 4:12
1 Timothy 1:13
1 Timothy 4:14, 15 (AMP)
1 Timothy 6:6
1Corinthians 9:1
2 Corinthians 10:3,4
2 Corinthians 12:7
2 Corinthians 13:5,8
2 Corinthians 2:16
2 Corinthians 2:6-7
2 Corinthians 3:17
2 Corinthians 3:3,6 (MSG)
2 Corinthians 4:16
2 Corinthians 7:10,11
2 Thessalonians 1:11
2 Thessalonians 3:5
2 Timothy 1:
2 Timothy 2:15
2 Timothy 3:15
Acts 10:40, 41
Acts 13:51, 52
Acts 14:2, 3
Acts 15:38, 39
Acts 16:37-39
Acts 17: 8,9
Acts 17:16
Acts 18:14, 15
Acts 1:1
Acts 20:7, 8
Acts 22:1, 2
Acts 24:15, 16
Acts 25:16
Acts 27:34, 38
Acts 27:41
Acts 28:1, 2
Acts 3:16
Acts 4:11, 12
Acts 5: 38, 39
Acts 7:34
Acts 9:13, 14
Colossians 1:15,16
Colossians 2:3
Colossians 3:15
Colossians 4:16
Ephesians 1:17,18
Ephesians 2:15
Ephesians 5:15,16
Ephesians 6:16
Ex. 7:20,22,24 & 8:22,23
Exodus 12:22
Exodus 15:8,25 & 16:21
Exodus 20:24
Exodus 23:28-30
Exodus 2:16-18
Exodus 5:13
Exodus 7:20, 22, 24
Galations 1:4
Galations 3:13
Galations 4:6, 7
Galations 4:9
Galations 5:24, 25
Galations 6: 2, 3
Galations 6:4, 8
Genesis 4:26
Hebrews 10:32
Hebrews 11:1,3
Hebrews 12:13
Hebrews 2:3b
Hebrews 3:19
Hebrews 4:12
Hebrews 5:14
Hebrews 6:19,20
Hebrews 7:14, 17
Hebrews 8:10
John 18:1
John 19:41
Maark 16:17, 18
Mark 10:8, 9
Mark 11:8-10
Mark 11:8-20
Mark 12:14-17
Mark 13:14-16
Mark 14:3
Mark 15:15
Mark 16:17, 18
Mark 16:7
Mark 1:28, 33, 38
Mark 1:44
Mark 2: 2, 4
Mark 3:9, 10
Mark 4:11, 12, 34
Mark 4:24, 34
Mark 5:2, 3
Mark 5:37 & 40
Mark 6:1
Mark 7:24
Mark 8:33
Mark 9:24-27
Mark 9:50
Matthew 11:4-6
Matthew 12:33
Matthew 14:24,25
Matthew 15:6
Matthew 16:19
Matthew 16:24-26
Matthew 17:1,2
Matthew 17:6-8
Matthew 21:12
Matthew 21:19-21
Matthew 23:11,12
Matthew 23:38,39
Matthew 24:2
Matthew 24:32,33
Matthew 26:32
Matthew 26:7
Matthew 28:7, 20
Matthew 2:13-15
Matthew 3:8
Matthew 5:8
Matthew 7:20
Matthew 8:10 (MSG)
Matthew 8:22, 23
Matthew 8:8
Numbers 22:20-34
Numbers 25:11, 12
Philippians 1:11 (MSG)
Philippians 2:5
Philippians 3:10,11
Philippians 4:7
Phillipians 1:6
Psalm 104:9-11
Psalm 106:4,5
Psalm 10:7
Psalm 119:57, 58 (MSG)
Psalm 12:6, 7
Psalm 132:6,7
Psalm 135:10-12
Psalm 136:25
Psalm 15:1, 2
Psalm 20:7,8
Psalm 22:3
Psalm 24:6, 7
Psalm 2:12
Psalm 30:11,12
Psalm 34:7
Psalm 37:4-6
Psalm 38:12-15
Psalm 40:1-3
Psalm 42:6,7
Psalm 50:11
Psalm 55:6-8
Psalm 56:8
Psalm 59:16
Psalm 64:8,10
Psalm 69:5,6
Psalm 77:19
Psalm 78:1-3
Psalm 83:17,18
Psalm 91:1
Psalm 95:6-8
Psalms 149:1-4 (MSG)
Romans 10:4
Romans 11:29, 36
Romans 12: 1, 2
Romans 13:12
Romans 14:18
Romans 14:19, 20
Romans 15:2,3
Romans 16:19,20
Romans 1:19,20
Romans 2:2
Romans 2:29
Romans 3:3,4
Romans 6:7,8
Romans 7:24,25
Romans 8:19-23
Romans 8:5,6
Romans 9:31,32
Titus 1:15,16

Food for the Spirit
Saturday, 30 June 2012
The Spiritual "Beach Comber"
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Psalm 104:9-11


Psalm 104:9-12 (AMP)   You have set a boundary [for the waters] which they may not pass over, that they turn not again to deluge the earth.

He sends forth springs into the valleys; their waters run among the mountains.

They give drink to every [wild] beast of the field; the wild asses quench their thirst there.

 Beside them the birds of the heavens have their nests; they sing among the branches.


9.) God has fixed and enclosed a 'territory' for us, in which the  'waters of danger' (the process of change) can not proceed to use us up or wear us out. This 'process of change' will not be brought back to overwhelm us in our 'way through this Wilderness-life'.

10.) God extends to us, freely, a 'source of mental and spiritual satisfaction', an inherited 'wadi' or channel, of refreshing water that journeys with us in the midst of our understanding the problems we go throught in our lives.

11.)These 'sources of mental and spiritual satifaction' irrigate (revive) us for living, in order to keep our spirits full of life and growth as we go through this life. We journey through this life as a 'fast running wild 'ass'(running with patience and endurance or running in stubbornness)'.



I can see myself walking along the beach, God's ocean allowed to only come up on the sand to a certain point.

This is how He protects me in my Christian walk of life.

 Walking along the shore of the ocean is a parallel of learning to walk through this life between the 'spiritual' (the ocean) and the 'flesh' (the earth/land). This is the place God has positioned His people. 

I have to practice 'walking the beach' and know that He has set limits on what could overwhelm me. He has set limits on how much the ocean can touch the land. He has protected me in order that I would not be 'wasted' or 'overwhelmed'. He knows exactly how much I can handle and will never give me more than that.

As He watches me walk the 'beach', I know He is guiding me to exactly HOW I can merge the two; ocean to land; spiritual and flesh, just as Jesus did.

God has given me 'treasures' along the shore to help me on my journey; a shell here, an agate there. These help me to be able to touch, feel and see the results of my 'beach walk'. They keep me revived and knowing that my 'beach combing' will be full of spiritual treasures IF I watch and listen to Him. These 'treasures' give me hope of more. They help me to want to keep 'walking' and searching. They keep me encouraged to go farther, searching more, and encourage me to keep going, just like God's Word and the little whispers of Holy Spirit, like the sound of tiny waves.

Jesus gave me the example of HOW to walk between the spirit and flesh. His Word gives me the details.

He is my example of THE Spiritual BEACH COMBER.


Thank You Jesus for being a 'Beach Comber'! Thanks for being the perfect Example to follow in my 'beach walk'! Keep me ever following You, watching what You do and what You pick up! I want to eternally follow in Your footprints, Jesus!

Posted by umma23 at 9:53 AM PDT
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Friday, 29 June 2012
What Color have We Made Ourselves?
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Titus 1:15,16


Titus 1:15,16a (AMP) To the pure [in heart and conscience] all things are pure, but to the defiled and corrupt and unbelieving nothing is pure; their very minds and consciences are defiled and polluted.

They profess to know God [to recognize, perceive, and be acquainted with Him], but deny and disown and renounce Him by what they do;


In speaking about 'fleshly people' (The 'Cretes'='Fleshy') Paul was saying that:

"To the 'transparent-ones', all things are 'transparent'. 

But to those who take on a 'color' themselves ('color' which causes change in outward appearance by 'differing the qualities of 'Light'), contaminate what/who is around and are without credibility (are unbelievable).

Nothing, to these 'colored-ones', is 'transparent'. Even their thoughts, feelings, will, understanding and conscience is colored in pretense.

These 'colored-ones' declare openly to know God, but their very actions and accomplishments contradict Him.


We can not 'color' ourselves. We allow God to 'remove' the color from our lives so that we can be REAL and TRANSPARENT, without defiling the purity of God. When we try to be who we think others should see us as, we 'color' ourselves, making us into a color that is of man and not of God. These 'man-made-colors' actually HIDE God and what others would KNOW as God in us. We cannot make ourselves into what we think the perception of God is, or should be, in ourselves. This is God's job, not ours. We just let Him take all the 'man-made-color' of deception out of our lives and let Him make us the color of transparency.


Father, I don't want any 'man-made-color' to hide Your REALNESS in me! Make me TRANSPARENT, Father...YOUR color!

Posted by umma23 at 7:25 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 27 June 2012
What Our Spirit Longs For
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: 2 Timothy 3:15


2 Timothy 3:15 (AMP)   And how from your childhood you have had a knowledge of and been acquainted with the sacred Writings, which are able to instruct you and give you the understanding for salvation which comes through faith in Christ Jesus [through the leaning of the entire human personality on God in Christ Jesus in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness].


In Jesus, as discribed in the Bible, is the 'Channel of the Persuasion of Truth' (the Way to knowing/perceiving and cultivating the Truth/Morality), which shows us the ability He has in rescuing us, morally and physically, showing us the timing and purpose of that rescue.


God's Word has all the answers to our what our constantly searching soul/spirit is asking; "WHAT IS TRUTH?"

"Truth" is what is truly right and wrong, good or evil. "Truth" is knowing what morality is and how to BE that which our spirit/soul longs to be in order for us to truly be contented.

The Bible holds the answers to what truly IS morally right. Jesus is Truth...Pure Morality. He continues to be the answer to what our soul longs for. Through seeing Him in the Bible, we perceive that He demonstrates what we can be when we carry the same Truth in us. By allowing Holy Spirit, Jesus' Spirit, to form us with the same morality, the same Truth, that was in Jesus, we become a 'shadow' of Jesus and our spirit can be content. HE IS the ANSWER to a full and contented spirit/soul!


Jesus, Thank You for being my Example of what is longed for inside of me. Fill me up, Lord, with Your Moral Truth! Show me how to allow full contentment in my spirit!

Posted by umma23 at 6:29 AM PDT
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Tuesday, 26 June 2012
A Beam of Light
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: 2 Timothy 2:15


2 Timothy 2:15 (AMP) Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.


Be in pursuit of knowledge by investigating, scrutinizing and reflecting in order to be ready to assist in God's reputation (what God is known for here on Earth) and by being acceptable by, and pleasing to, Him.

For we are offenders/wrongdoers/perpetrators who have no cause to feel shame for ourselves. We have exposed to view (laid open) the motive and reasonings of the Truth...that which can not be hidden and is free from pretence, falsehood and deceit.


Studying who God is, and His reputation, through His Word, helps me to know who I am supposed to be in MY reputation, because I am supposed to hold Him inside of me. I am a representitive of God and I hold HIS reputation.

In studying His Word, I am to investigate (seek to find), scrutinize (examine, dig out, ask questions) and then meditate (think on, 'chew the cud', regurgitate) on what the Bibles says God is. This helps me to know Him in my mind; Holy Spirit delivers that knowledge to my heart. 

In studying God in His Word, I discover who He has made me to be a holder of His reputation, His very own 'Temple', I must be 'clean' in order to hold His reputation, because I am full of filth. God's Word exposes my 'offenses' and 'sins' to the sin is hidden, I can see them all. I know what I've done wrong, and then know that by asking for forgiveness these offenses are hidden by the sacrifice of Jesus...His very blood covers my sins. My filth has been exposed and delt with...totally taken away. I know that I now have nothing to have 'shame' for, because my sins are 'as far as the east is from the west' and are not seen by God. Nothing is hidden from God and when nothing is hidden it is pure. I am pure and the Truth lives in me, naked and exposed. My life and reputation hold 'Truth' that which holds no hidden pretences...I am REAL, inside and out!


Thanks for Your Word, Father. Because of it I can know You more and more. I can learn Who You are and how to become closer to You. You light up my life, Father, with the living Word; Your Son. Thank You!

Posted by umma23 at 7:04 AM PDT
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Monday, 25 June 2012
God's Intentions IN us: REAL LIFE
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: 2 Timothy 1:


2 Timothy 1:1 PAUL, ("little"; a "chip off of a larger Rock") an apostle (special messenger) of Christ Jesus by the will of God, according to the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus,


God announced through Paul that He had 'taken action' and had 'furnished' for us what He had wished we would be when He first created us.

God's Son, Jesus, provids us the 'way' to being 'furnished' with all that God had intended us to be from the beginning and before the first sin of man/Adam.

This was God's 'intended effect' for man; that man would have a sinless, intimate relationship with Him. 

This kind of life/living is a real, genuine life; a vigorous, blessed life; a life that is set in a FIXED, INSTRUMENTAL POSITION. This kind of life in a human is GOD'S instrument...HIS usable kind of human-being dedicated to Him and all that He intended for us to be in the first place.


Not only did Jesus bring REAL life to me, He gave me the choice to accept what I was originally created to be; REAL living! Surrendering all to Jesus is accepting all that God was dreaming about for me when He created me. But it's my choice whether I accept ALL of this kind of life. It's all my choice how much of my 'old life' I surrender in exchange for this 'real life'. People are silly that way. It's just silly that I would choose NOT to trade...and yet I sometimes make the choice NOT to accept REAL FULL LIFE.

Why is that?


Thanks Jesus for showing me what I CAN have when I make the trade of my old life for Your NEW LIFE! I pray that Your Spirit would help me to SET MY MIND on having what is God's free gift; REAL LIFE! Show me how to surrender ALL of me for ALL of You...YOU ARE REAL LIFE!

Posted by umma23 at 7:01 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 25 June 2012 7:04 AM PDT
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Saturday, 23 June 2012
A Contented Mind
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: 1 Timothy 6:6


1 Timothy 6:6  (AMP)[And it is, indeed, a source of immense profit, for] godliness accompanied with contentment (that contentment which is a sense of inward sufficiency) is great and abundant gain.


Changing the mind to being satisfied and needing no outside aid or support, while being devoted in duty and obedience to God, is a source of gain on a great scale. (Duty and obedience to God that is joined with a contented mind and way of thinking, is a great acquirement.)


Having a mind that is satisfied is one of my greatest problems. According to this scripture, when I am dutiful and obedient to God, and contented in my thinking at the same time, I have great gain in my life. The thing is, how to be 'mind-contented'. I need to set my thinking in KNOWING that my purpose is to be content with what God has given me as my job. And in obeying Him in my joy, I will have contented thinking, too. I have to SET MY MIND on what doing and thinking on what GOD wants and not what I want. This brings my mind into satisfaction and contentment because it was what I was created for in the first's my set postion by God. Obedience and my duty to God bring contented thinking.


I understand this, Father. Now I ask that You bring it to my way of thinking. Bring it to reality, Father, that when I am obedient to You, WANTING to do (taking action on) what You tell me to do, my 'duty' to You becomes a 'want-to' thing...and in that, You give me a contented mind! Nothing outside of my thinking, at this point, is disatisfied. You, my Father, put all I need inside my mind, and I am then self-content. I ask for that kind of mind, Father. I ask for selfsatisfaction; self contentment. Please, CHANGE MY MIND, Father!

Posted by umma23 at 6:47 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 23 June 2012 10:15 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 20 June 2012
God LIVES; Revealing Himself to Unbelievers
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Psalm 83:17,18


Psalm 83:17, 18 (AMP) Let them be put to shame and dismayed forever; yes, let them be put to shame and perish,

That they may know that You, Whose name alone is the Lord, are the Most High over all the earth.


A prayer to God from 'Asaph', the 'Gatherer of the Harvest'.

"Let those who persecute Believers be delayed with confusion and made fearful of God forever. Yes, let them be made embarressed, that human beings may recognise YOU, God, whose reputation is set as EXISTING CONSPICUOUSLY...SUPREME, OVER ALL THE EARTH!"


The 'Gatherer of the Harvest', Asaph, prayed to God that those who did not believe in God would be delayed and confused and made to be afraid. He prayed that they would made to be embarassed when they finally DID recognise God as the One Who exists...RIGHT NOW! Athiests will truly be embarassed when they realize and recognise the God is living...RIGHT NOW!


aFather, forgive the humans that say You don't exist. Open their eyse to see You, Father. Revive their spiritual senses so they can see, hear, smell, feel and taste You! Open ALL of us, Believers and Unbelievers, to KNOW YOU LIVE WITH US TODAY!

Posted by umma23 at 6:27 AM PDT
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Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Friend of God
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: 1 Timothy 1:13


1 Timothy 1:13 (AMP) Though I formerly blasphemed and persecuted and was shamefully and outrageously and aggressively insulting [to Him], nevertheless, I obtained mercy because I had acted out of ignorance in unbelief.


aPaul was one who injured others with his abusive words, pursued others to drive them away and exercised insulting and spiteful language, along with shameful acts of wrong. Even though he spoke and acted this way, he received active compassion in words and deeds, because he was a product of lack of information and a product of lack of intelligence/education in his fixed position of trusting God...Paul just didn't know God well enough to know what God was capable of.


Paul, before Jesus captured his attention on his way to Demascus, just didn't know God OR Jesus well enough to know what God/Jesus was capable of. He didn't know God well enough to TRUST Him. He only knew about God...stories and rules, not as a Friend or Confidant.

In order to TRUST someone, we have to truly know them. When we can rely on that person to help us, even in the most personal situations, we put our hope in that person. This causes our compassion for them to rise up. Our words and actions toward them are full of compassion. We desire to give back to this 'trusted one' what they have given to us.

This is all the result of KNOWING this Trusted One...not being ingnorant or uneducated about them.


To KNOW You, Lord, is to TRUST You! And in trusting You, I know what You are capable of! Help me to know You fully and intimately. Rise up my reliance on You!

Posted by umma23 at 6:40 AM PDT
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Monday, 18 June 2012
Being a
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Colossians 4:16


Colossians 4:16 (AMP) And when this epistle has been read before you, [see] that it is read also in the assembly (the church) of the Laodiceans, and also [see] that you yourselves in turn read the [letter that comes to you] from Laodicea.



Laodiceans means "Justice of the People". The word Justice means "NOT FAVORING ONE MORE THAN ANOTHER".

We are to READ or RECOGNIZE, while holding the reputation of Jesus, NO FAVORTISM!

In having NO FAVORTISM, we need BIG EARS to hear EVERYONE, and then to take action on what we learn from them; the 'big guy' AND 'the little guy'. What is FAIR is the action we are to take.


Horton the Elephant LISTENED to the 'little guy'. He knew that the 'Whos' weren't being heard by most people. HE had to be their voice in order that their cry could be heard.

Like Horton, I need to stand up for the 'Whos'. If the 'Whos' need a voice, I need to BE that voice. I need to stand for justice and equality in order that Jesus can shine out of my life. HE is our Example of Fairness and Justice. This is just another example of the character/reputation of Jesus; another character trait that is to be revealed through us, His followers.


Father, Use ME as Your "Horton"...and give me BIG EARS to hear the cries of the "Whos"! I ask for the boldness I need to stand up and help the "Whos" to be heard! Make me a channel of Your fairness!

Posted by umma23 at 7:27 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 18 June 2012 7:52 AM PDT
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Sunday, 17 June 2012
A Reputation of Inner Tranquility
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Colossians 3:15


Colossians 3:15 (AMP) And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].


Let the 'inner contentment'/'inner composure' of God be Umpire of your mind, soul and character. This is what your reputation is to known for as the church family...a tranquil and sound 'whole'.

Also, be mindful and grateful. God's family is to be known for it's reputation of generosity to the benifit of others.


As a Believer, changed from the inside out, I am to be known for the One who changed me. I am to have HIS character and reputation; known for peace, tranquility, mindfulness and thankfulness, always a benefit to others.

I am to ooze inner contentment, showing that God is dwelling in me. He is the Umpire of my mind and soul, guiding me into constant and lasting peace within. The result of this inner contentmen is a mind full of gratitude, thanking God for all He has granted to me.


Father, always make me mindful of all You have put into my life. I pray for Your reputation of peace that benifits others. Help me be a mindful, benefit to YOU, Father, and Your whole family!

Posted by umma23 at 6:14 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 17 June 2012 6:30 AM PDT
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