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Topic: Hebrews 3:19
Hebrews 3: 19 (AMP) So we see that they (those who were lead out of Egypt by Moses) were not able to enter [into His rest], because of their unwillingness to adhere to and trust in and rely on God [unbelief had shut them out].
So we contemplate that those led out of sin (Egypt) by Jesus (Moses) had no ability or posibility to enter into the mindset of 'resting' (restraining to take any action/work) by reason of their NOT trusting and relying on, with inward certainty, on God.
Resting in God means that we have an inner peace that KNOWS we don't have to do anything to please God. He is already 'PLEASED' by the Spirit that lives in us. If we have accepted Jesus as our Master, then we have entered into that 'PEACE' that is God inside of us. No 'work/action' can bring that peace. Our 'Peace' is automatic because it's already been 'worked for' by Jesus on the cross. We just accept it.
Jesus, I thank You for what You did for me on the cross. You completed my 'inner peace' there, and I have no work to complete. Help me to always rest in Your peace, in every and all situations.