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Topic: 2 Thessalonians 3:5
2 Thessalonians 3:5 (NKJ) Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.
Paul desires that the 'The Supreme Guide'...God....would remove all hinderances that block the path to the soul, spirit and mind. He asks that those who have 'Victory Over Falsity and Lies' (the Thessalonians) would be steered into 'purpose' and have the desire to show kindness and good will to God. These 'desires' would result in a sustaining perserverance, a cheerful and hopeful endurance to go through their 'purpose'....just as Jesus had.
I, too, desire to find a clear path to right thinking. I, too, desire a straight path to my soul and spirit, without blockages. I DO have the victory, through Jesus. Because of what Jesus did for me on the cross, my heart should be steered and turned to loving God, showing Him kindness and good will, all blockages to loving God, removed. The result of being freed from 'heart-blockages' is that I 'sticking to' Him with the desire to stay with Him, no matter what, because of my love for Him and what He has done for me.
God showed me an example of 'Endurance' when He revealed Jesus to me. Jesus endured a terrible death on the cross because He loved His Father...because He could see the future results of being steered by Father God down the straight path to His heart (Jesus had God's desires in His heart)...that result was His Supreme Good Will for ME! He died for me, endured death for me, stuck it out for me...because of the love and 'opened path' in His heart to God!
Father, I pray that You would clear the path to my heart of blockages so that You can come right in! I want YOUR desires, YOUR planes and purposes...and that YOU would have a straight path into my spirit, soul and mind! Keep me enduring, Father....the results will be YOUR desires in my heart!