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Topic: Acts 22:1, 2
S.Acts 22:1, 2 (AMP) 1 BRETHREN AND fathers, listen to the defense which I now make in your presence.2 And when they heard that he addressed them in the Hebrew tongue they were all the more quiet. And he continued...
("Hebrew" comes from the meaning: "The opposite side of the Jordon" and Jordon means 'to go down' and "to cross over". The word tongue means"to mingle thought with thought". Translated in symbolism, "Hebrew tongue" means " those who have gone past the 'going-down -into-sin" stage and are coming up out of sin, and they are now speaking the language of freedom; "the mingling of our thoughts with the thoughts of OTHER Jordon crossers; Believers")
O.Paul was trying to convince the 'orginal chosen' by God, the Jewish people, that he was obeying what God told him to do; to preach to the Gentiles, too. This enraged the Jews. They didn't want to believe that Paul had heard God through Jesus. But when they heard Paul speak in their language, Hebrew, they knew he was one of them. He understood them. They understood him. Because of this, they wanted to hear him out.
A.I have met people that I just KNEW were Believers, without them saying a word about it. How? By the way they talk and the joy and freedom that is in their words and actions. They ooze Jesus through their demeanor! This makes me want to hear them, to 'mingle thought to thought' because this Believer speaks my language! They have 'crossed over the opposite side of the place of going down' (Jordon) like I have! We two, are the opposite of going down...we are going UP and speak the same Kingdom dialect! As we stand talking in the Kingdom Dialect, we hold fast in the fact of who we are; the sons and daughters of the Most High God....that makes us relatives! We quietly understand each other, as Paul and the Jews were connecting through language in this scripture. Language connection causes people to listen!
P.Father I thank You for Your heavenly Kingdom Dialect! Thank You that the words You have given us through the Bible connect Your people and we recognize YOU in each others words! Open my eyes wider to see more of my bros and sisters in You! Open my ears to knowing Kingdom Dialect. Open my mouth more, to pour out Your Kingdom dialect to others, Father. I WANT TO KNOW YOU THROUGH KNOWING MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN THE KINGDOM!
Updated: Wednesday, 15 February 2012 10:23 AM PST
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