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Topic: Acts 17:16
S. Acts 17:16 (NKJ) Now while Paul waited for them (Timothy and Silas) in Athens ("Uncertainty"), his spirit was provoked (sharpened/stirred) within him when he saw that the city (place of warring/battle) was given over to idols. (full of too much devotion and obsession to false notions or to a visible thing of which has no substance)
O.Paul was expecting his friends, Timothy and Silas...but he waited with uncerainty, not knowing when they'd show up. As he waited, anger was stirred up in him because this great city was full of false idols and had THE God as just one of them. Could God's presence even dwell here?
A.Paul waiting for his friends reminds me when I wait on the presence of God. And when I wait, I never know when or where He'll show up. Sometimes what hinders my spirit from His presence is sin. These sins could be 'false idols or notions'. Am I putting worries higher than God? Am I giving fear or intimidation dominion over my thoughts instead of letting God have them? These are sins. Thoughts that BLOCK God's presence. My mind needs to be free of worry, fears, intimidation and anything that 'sets itself higher than God'. Then His presence, His very Spirit, can freely move in and around me.
P.Father, forgive me for setting my mind on anything but You. I ask that You raise up in me a hate for sin and any of the things that could try to set itself up higher than You in my mind and spirit. I want You alone to be first in my life!
Updated: Friday, 10 February 2012 9:42 AM PST
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