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Topic: Psalm 15:1, 2
S. Psalm 15:1, 2 (AMP) LORD, Who shall dwell (temporarily) in Your Tabernacle? Who shall dwell (permanently) on Your holy hill? He who walks uprightly, and works righteously and speaks the truth in his heart.
O. We who want to have God's dwelling place within us here on earth (in our earthly body, as the place where God's Spirit dwells) AND want a permanent place on 'God's holy hill' (a place of spiritual exhaltation) must go through this earthly life with thoughts of integrity, honesty and justice. We can not lie to ourselves. We must THINK HIS way, because then HIS way, becomes OUR way! God can not dwell in a place where dishonesty dwells. We must CHANGE OUR MIND to think like only THINK true and honest thoughts.
A. I must constantly devote my way of thinking to the way Jesus thinks ! I can not believe lies that say 'some sin is ok'. Any form of sin or dishonesty ISN'T ok. I am to think morally, honestly, with fairness and with integrity! For my mind is the personal controller of my inner man. God's Word helps me to change my way of thinking and helps me know what is morally right and honest. I need the mind of Jesus! His thoughts hold ALL truth!
P. Father, I ask that thoughts of integrity, justice and honesty would dominate my thinking. I pray for the mind of Jesus! For then I will PERMANTELY dwell in Your spiritual exaltation! Help me to think only honest thoughts and not lie to myself. Jesus, THINK IN ME!
Updated: Saturday, 11 February 2012 3:39 AM PST
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