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Topic: 1 Timothy 1:13
1 Timothy 1:13 (AMP) Though I formerly blasphemed and persecuted and was shamefully and outrageously and aggressively insulting [to Him], nevertheless, I obtained mercy because I had acted out of ignorance in unbelief.
aPaul was one who injured others with his abusive words, pursued others to drive them away and exercised insulting and spiteful language, along with shameful acts of wrong. Even though he spoke and acted this way, he received active compassion in words and deeds, because he was a product of lack of information and a product of lack of intelligence/education in his fixed position of trusting God...Paul just didn't know God well enough to know what God was capable of.
Paul, before Jesus captured his attention on his way to Demascus, just didn't know God OR Jesus well enough to know what God/Jesus was capable of. He didn't know God well enough to TRUST Him. He only knew about God...stories and rules, not as a Friend or Confidant.
In order to TRUST someone, we have to truly know them. When we can rely on that person to help us, even in the most personal situations, we put our hope in that person. This causes our compassion for them to rise up. Our words and actions toward them are full of compassion. We desire to give back to this 'trusted one' what they have given to us.
This is all the result of KNOWING this Trusted One...not being ingnorant or uneducated about them.
To KNOW You, Lord, is to TRUST You! And in trusting You, I know what You are capable of! Help me to know You fully and intimately. Rise up my reliance on You!