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Topic: Colossians 1:15,16
Colossians 1:15,16a(AMP) [Now] He is the exact likeness of the unseen God [the visible representation of the invisible]; He is the Firstborn of all creation.
For it was in Him that all things were created, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen,
Jesus is the profile of God, having yielded to Him; becoming weak in Himself so God can be strong in Him.
Jesus is the likeness of God, to be what we can not visualize with our physical eyes on this earth that which is God.
Jesus is the 'First Seed' or 'First Child' of God (His 'First Fruit'), from everything that was created originally by god.
Everything God created was for this Reason; for Jesus.
God fixed, instrumentally, the time, position and state for Jesus.
Jesus owns it all, both in heaven and earth (the 'seen' and the 'unseen').
Jesus owns/posesses both what can be seen with the mind (our understanding/perception) and what we don't see with the mind (our understanding/perception).
Even if it is the Divine Power of our minds; He owns it.
Even what dominates, masters and controls our minds; He owns it.
Even what leads or starts our thoughts; He owns it.
Even our ability and power of thinking/intellect; He owns it.
All of these were channeled for action for Jesus. He is the 'Reason' for them.
All of these thoughts/intellects were positioned in our minds for Him; He owns them.
Jesus is superior to all things, even our thoughts and intellects. He was set, by God, in this fixed, instrumental position, to unite our thoughts and intellects with God's mind and way of thinking. This is in order that we may understand our Father, our place and purpose on earth, His love for us, and to become UNITED WITH HIM IN OUR MINDS, SOULS AND SPIRITS!
I love this! Everything that goes through my mind is owned by Jesus! Everything! He is in a set, instrumental position in my thoughts so that my mind/soul can unite with God's thoughts and mind. WOW! It's deep, but it's SO cool that Jesus uses my thinking to unite me with our Father! Surrendering to the mind of Jesus is the key! He is our 'Example' on how to surrender, how to think, and how to unite with our Father.
Jesus, You are the owner of my mind, my thoughts. Help me to KNOW that You are always the Leader of my thinking, the Controller of my thoughts (when I surrender to You) and the way to be united with our Father! Take my HEAD, Jesus!