
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Romans 14:19, 20
Romans 14:19,20 (AMP) So let us then definitely aim for and eagerly pursue what makes for harmony and for mutual upbuilding (edification and development) of one another.
You must not, for the sake of food, undo and break down and destroy the work of God! Everything is indeed [ceremonially] clean and pure, but it is wrong for anyone to hurt the conscience of others or to make them fall by what he eats.
As a result of knowing how and what to do or not to do before others, try to earnestly seek after the things that make harmony and tranquility in the souls of others (showing that we are assured in Christ's salvation, that we fear nothing from God, and demonstrating contentment with our earthly lot). Earnestly seek after the things that improve and teach morality and spiritual improvement...being construtive and showing wisdom, piety, happiness, and holiness as confirmation of God's freedom in you.
For teaching and promoting spiritual welfare doesn't halt a Believer's journey through life, depriving it of success. It doesn't deprive the success of God's business or accomplishments; the product of His work. Instead, EVERYTHING, in fact, is free from corruption, sin and guilt...EVERYTHING is innocent. But it is what OCCUPIES ONES ATTENTION OR THOUGHTS, destructively, that can be harmful and consume the soul. THIS is what causes humans to sin. THIS is what comes through in our actions in front of others.
What consumes our thoughts is what causes us to act in the way we do. If our thoughts are destructive, ungodly and not of godly thoughts, then our actions show that. THESE are what can cause others to sin, tripping up their Christian walk. The actions of one Believer in front of another can cause a HUGE ROADBLOCK in the path, the "WAY", toward spiritual growth. Although Paul says that there is not one thing that is wrong in our actions (we are innocent in all things), it is what we let our mind be consumed on that is wrong. If our thoughts hold ANYTHING in priority over God, than THAT is what consumes our souls. Our actions reflect what our mind thinks. Others observe this in us and it causes them to question what they have believed, especially if they are a new Believer. We could cause a "ROADBLOCK" in their way, that blocks their spiritual growth and instead makes them question what is Truth. Instead, we should be a "ROAD SIGN" that points to the path and causes spiritual growth, wisdom, knowledge and a closer relationship with Jesus....all by the way that our actions reflect what is inside our minds.
Father, set my soul with YOU as my priority. Help me to never put anything or anyone above You, Father. Keep me mindful of my actions before others. Don't let me be a ROADBLOCK to others, but to be a ROAD SIGN instead!