
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Matthew 15:6
Matthew 15:6 (NKJ) Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition.
By ourselves, we invalidate and make of no effect, God's perscribed rules in accourdance with His goal and purpose for our lives. How? By giving up, betraying God and putting ourselves in prison with our own 'life's perscriptions'. We surrender to our own will, throught the 'channel of action'(doing it ourselves), depriving ourselves by voiding out what God has perscribed for our lives. We take action, or 'act', on our own without God. This is MAN'S perscription for his own life, NOT GOD'S. This is MAN'S PERSCRIPTION without God.
How many times have I tried to 'do it myself' and not 'God's way'? MANY! Eventually, when I come around, I always discover that if I would have done it God's way in the first place, it would have been done and over with. God's rules and laws (His perscriptions) are always soverign. He knows, from the beginning, what the end will be. So why am I so stubborn as to try to do it myself? It's all in the surrendering. The quicker we surrender to God, the smarter we become! God has a purpose for my life. He's the only One who knows the 'rules' to get me there. And with that purpose, comes satisfaction and bliss! God's perscription for my life's purpose should be my life's goal!
Father, make me smart! Give me a heart that hears Your perscriptions and not man's. I want YOUR purpose, Lord, for that is the only way I will be happy and satisfied in this life!
Updated: Saturday, 28 April 2012 7:36 AM PDT
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