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Topic: Mark 6:1
Mark 6:1 (NKJ)
Then He went out from there and came to His own country, and His disciples followed Him.
Jesus had just come from the place 'by the sea' (Mark 5:21) and into His native country.(His Father's Country, His 'Fatherland', The Kingdom of God) . He had come out of the places 'by the sea'; unsettled places, places unstable in nature, a place of chaotic existance, places that hold the turmoil of human life...all traits of 'the sea'. Jesus came into God's country...the spiritual Kingdom of God. Jesus' students/disciples, united with Him 'on the way'. They joined Jesus by uniting with His same walk of life. And in uniting with Him, they became PARALLEL to Him; united with Him as His ATTENDANTS.
PARALLEL=(Webster's American Family Dictionary) Having the same direction in nature, tendency or course; Anything comparable in nature, tendency or course; Identical in essential respects.
ATTEND=(Webster's American Family Dictionary) To take care of; minister to; to serve; guard; listen to; give heed; apply oneself; pay attention to; observe; watch alertly; be present; to wait; to be ready to serve; to follow.
I, as a student of Jesus, am to PARALLEL my life to His while ATTENDING Him on this Earth. I am to come out of the unsettled places, the turmoil of human life, because Jesus didn't walk there...He "WENT OUT FROM THERE"! I am to parallel my walk with Jesus' walk of life. And He walked in His own country while here on the Earth; He walked in THE FATHER'S LAND while still on this Earth!
Father, I desire to walk this Earth as Your Son did, attending YOU and paralleling what Your Son did! Show me that path, Father, that I may always walk in Your ways, with Your desires in my heart!