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Acts 8:3, 4 As for Saul (Hebrew for 'inquire, demand, desire, SEEK'), he made havoc of the church, entering every house, and dragging off men and woman, committing them to prison. Therefore (as a result), those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word.
I see this as a parallel to those who are seeking the ANSWER to 'why are we here and what is my purpose'. Saul is a type of 'SEEKER'.Saul, the 'SEEKER', hauls off, by intimidation and fear, those he thinks have a DIFFERENT answer to life's question, "why am I here?". Saul THINKS he knows the answer and isn't opened to this new way of thinking. So, he isolates them in order to 'watch' them ('prision'). As he watches the way they live, they spread the word. He can not help but 'see' how they are living and if they really KNOW the answer.
Some people seek answers by intimidating those they think DON'T have the answers to life's questions. Some people think they are right. But inside, they aren't satisfied. Be intimidation and fear, they put down those whose life shows that they DO have the answer. This puts pressure on the one that has the answer (JESUS) to live out in front of the 'seeker' that which reveals satisfaction. By living a satisfied and peaceful life in front of this 'seeker', he sees that the one with the answer HAS the answer....and is spreading the 'word' with his life.
Father, I pray that my life would show JESUS! I pray that no matter what pressure I am much scrutany or watching I am under, I would reveal JESUS out of every pore of my body and spirit! In Jesus' name I pray this! Help me always to point to YOU, Father, as Jesus did!
Updated: Saturday, 11 February 2012 3:50 AM PST
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