
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: John 19:41
John 19:41, 42a Now in the place where He was
crucified (to utterly distroy the flesh by using a pointed, upright stake; to stand immovable)
there was a
garden( A plot of land used for the cultivation of flowers, vegetables, herbs, or fruit. A delightful spot),
and in the garden a
new tomb (a fresh memorial, monument in order to remember something or someone)
in which no one had yet been laid (fixed, established).
So there they laid Jesus,...
We can take a fixed and established stand in our faith in order to distroy our sinful inner selves. Like Jesus, we are laid/set in a delightful spot as we stand, pierced. We are given this 'spiritual garden place' in order that we can remember what God has done for us, refreshing and renewing the memories of these things in order to strengthen us.
When I am pierced by being changed, cleansed and tested, I can stand firm and fixed in the position of the 'delightful spot', the garden. Even in the pain of piercing, I receive refreshing memories of what God has done for me. Remembering these things brings renewed spiritual strength and hope and a searching for what He is teaching me through these new tests and trials.
The garden of memories that You give me is so beautiful. Refresh that garden in me daily, Father! Help my memories of our times together to be ever renewed in my mind and spirit in order to keep my spirit strong!