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Topic: John 18:1
John 18: 1 HAVING SAID these things, Jesus went out with His disciples beyond (across) the winter torrent of the Kidron [in the ravine]. There was a garden there, which He and His disciples entered.
In the middle of 'Kidron' (a 'dusky place' during a 'winter torrent') Jesus took His disciples to a 'garden'. (dict. "A rich, well-cultivated spot or tract of country; a delightful spot.") Here, herbs, flowers and plants of many kinds, grew. It was a 'delightful spot' full of life, growth and things to eat to promote growth. Jesus took His 'pupils' to THIS spot during 'torrents'...troubled times. And in this place, we, His pupils, can still go during 'torrents'.
When life gets rough, I can ALWAYS go to the 'garden' that God has provided for my mind and spirit. Here is the peace He brings, the growth and food He provides for us during troubled times. Jesus took His pupils there. In my spirit/mind, I am provided with this place, too. I just follow Jesus there.
Take me to Your garden, Lord. Remind me that You have provided the food and growth and peace I need to that place...even during troubled times.