
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Matthew 8:22, 23
Matthew 8:22,23 (NKJ) The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness
The clarity of morality and purity is in knowledge.
As a result, if your knowledge is simple, sound, fulfilling and clear...all woven together, than you are completely full of a knowledgable and of an understanding character.
BUT if your knowledge is labored for, bringing trouble and toil, and is hurtful and causing pain, than your character is hidden in uneducated, unaware, and uninformed...BLIND.
As a result, if the pinpointed knowledge and understanding of moral and spiritual truth is in an instrumental and fixed position in your mind as knowledge...and is ignorant, uneducated and unaware, then that ignorance is HUGE!
My mind is my soul. It is my responsibility to educate my soul with truth. This is what brings my whole character into complete soundness. If I am ignorant of truth and morality, than my soul sits in the shadows...doesn't know the Light of Truth. And if my fixed stubborn thoughts....stay on what I ignorantly think is truth...but it is just a shadow of truth...than I stay in soul stays lost...and my whole character is wrong. Only God's Light of Truth, Jesus, can educate my soul/mind to what is really true and fulfilling. Only JESUS!
Father, educate my soul and mind with Your knowledge....YOUR morality! Bring my mind into YOUR education....not the world's education. Take me from ignorance into full knowledge...spirit, soul and body. Complete me, Daddy!