
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: Psalm 59:16
Psalm 59:16 (NKJ) But I will sing of Your power; Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; For You have been my defense And refuge in the day of my trouble.
I will travel and sing of God's might. Yes, I will shrilly shout for joy...rejoicingin tryumph of Your goodness, kindness, faithfulness, beauty, favor, and pity. I will do this with each bright joy that comes after a night of distress. for You have been my Cliff that is inaccessable to those who would try to 'get' me. You have been my 'Place of Escape' so that I can just vanish away from my enemies when they would have tried to bring me into a tight, narrow, oppressive and bound place.
When troubles come, I hide. But God has said that He will be my Hiding Place, my Refuge, my Retreat! When I am 'squeezed' by life and it's living, I can hide in God. He is my Place of Escape, inaccessible to those who would try to hurt me. When I hide there, I am in His arms, held in safety and given the kindness, faithfulness and caring that I need. He is my Retreat!
Father, help me to always know that I can hide in You. Help me to trust in Your mercy and run to You each time that trouble knocks on my door. Thank You for BEING my Hiding Place! Be pleased, Lord, with my song to You!