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Topic: 2 Corinthians 4:16
2 Corinthians 4:16 (NKJ) Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.
As a result of God's abundant grace, favor and blessings during life's troubles and trials, I become more thankful to Him. Our thinking, feeling and action can not become utterly spiritless or exhausted during these troublesome times. The utter spiritlessness and spiritual exhaustion stem from our human nature, our outward man. It is the soul/inward man that is being renovated and empowered by God and His Spirit, opposing the outer man/flesh from it's former state of corruption. This happens each time we go from darkness to light...from troubles/trials to victory/freedom. Our spirit, during these times, become electrified by Holy Spirit, while our flesh is zapped of its energy/power.
Going through trials and troubles has taught me how Holy Spirit gives my spirit new energy; new power. As I learn how to overcome the flesh, the flesh dies more and more and my spirit becomes stronger and electrified; stronger than my flesh. The flesh is ZAPPED of energy and power while the spirit is full of ELECTRICITY/POWER. This energizes my spirit, making it live stronger than my flesh. My spirit becomes re-energized, rejuvenated and full of Holy Spirits power...just the way God created our spirits to be in the first place. My spirit/inner-man grow stronger as my flesh/outer-man dies...becoming completed and a total spiritual transformation. The power is transfered from the flesh to the spirit and my SPIRIT IS ELECTRIFIED!
Holy Spirit, I thank You for the power You give me. Through Jesus, You show my spirit how to grow in His power to over come my flesh. Be big in me, Holy Spirit...overcome my flesh, I pray, in Jesus' name. ZAP MY FLESH AND ELECTRIFY MY SPIRIT, LORD!