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Topic: Psalm 50:11
Psalm 50:11 (NKJ) I know all the birds (spirits) of the mountains (problems, difficulties), And the wild beasts (human nature and character) of the field (man's dwelling place) are Mine.
Every single spirit is known by God; spirits of problems and difficulties. All human nature and character of humans are known by God. All of these are God's; He owns them. This shows how well God knows us; inside and out.
God knows me so well; my problems, my nature, my character. And why? Because He created them all. That is why I need lay them all at His feet. When I give my problems, my nature, my character to Him, I free Him up to do with them what He created them for in the first place: HIS will! God's will is the BEST will. He is the original 'Architect' of humans....of ME!
Father, You know me inside and out. You know what influences me from the outside; my problems and difficulties. Use these, Father, to complete my nature and be a testimony for You!
Updated: Sunday, 1 April 2012 6:54 AM PDT
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