Mood: bright
Now Playing: Umma23
Topic: 1 Corinthians 12:7
1 Corinthians 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:
But the luminousness of the Spirit (the character, personality, work, power, disposition, influence, essence, nature and soul of God) is given to EACH and EVERY Believer, as carriers of His reflection. These 'carriers of God's reflection' hold all of the 'common fund and supply' for each other.
Jesus is the 'Light-Switch', Holy Spirit is the 'Wire' that carries the currant, God is the 'Ceiling-Light'....and Believers are the 'Fruit of that Light'; 'God's Light-Bulbs'.
I can not stand alone as 'God's reflection' because I don't have all that I need to keep shining for God. The only way that I can receive what I need individually is to be with other Believers-bulbs. Together, we have the 'common fund and supply' for each other. One Light bulb shines dull compared to a thousand bulbs standing together and hooked up to the same Electric Current. All together, we ARE the 'Light of the World' and the Light for each other!
Father, help us Believers to stand together as one mass of lit up Light bulbs for You. Give us understanding that standing together not only helps each one of us be brighter, but we illuminate YOU to the world as one HUGE Light!
Updated: Tuesday, 27 March 2012 6:24 AM PDT
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