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Luke 6:10 (NKJ) And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he (Stephen = "crowned" = a mark of royalty, honor, exalted rank) spoke.
None of these 'freed slaves' from Asia ("mire/slime") could despute the clear truth of what Stephen spoke. The very Spirit of God, who dwelled inside of Stephen, spoke through him. Having the mind of Christ, Stephen thought like Jesus did and when he connected his heart to his mind, the very thoughts of Jesus came out of his mouth. No one can hinder, obstruct or combat TRUTH! These controlling men, trying to defend the flesh, could not combat what was true wisdom; TRUTH!
By myself, I can not speak Truth. I can not defend my beliefs or stand. But when Holy Spirit leads my words, connects my spirit with Holy Spirit, connects my heart to my spirit, connects my spirit with my mind and then my mind to my words, then God's Truth emerges. Because my words become His words, no power or control can dispute or war against them. They are God's pure words...clearly seen. No amount of control can stand against God's Truth!
Father, I give You my words. Speak through me Your Truth, Father by way of Your Spirit. Dispell all fleshly control in my life by Your Truth, Father.
Updated: Saturday, 11 February 2012 4:01 AM PST
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